About Neala
I have been asked to describe myself in a a few paragraphs. How does one do that? I am more than my profession, my belongings, my past or the people with whom I share my life. What makes me who and what I am? I only know what is most important to me. This I can state simply. I value the special people around me - my “family” - though not all are related to me. I value the spiritual and sacred parts of life, and all that helps me to connect with them. The rest is just details of no particular lasting importance. Yet, these details do tell a lot about a person and are interesting in their own special way. So…
Dr. Peake has a Ph.D. in psychology and spent many years as a clinical psychologist in private practice. However, her interest in spirituality kept taking her onto other paths — one of which involved spending six years traveling with a spiritual teacher who taught her about the use of spiritual energies in healing. This training enables her to work with and read people’s subtle energies – feeling where a person is blocked and what emotional issues need to be addressed to bring about healing. Using a blend of psychology, intuition and spiritual practice she helps
people heal their core wounds and live a fuller life.
She is the author of:
The Journey of Spiritual Cultivation; Healing through Meditation and Spiritual Practice
Intertwining of Time - a Multi-Dimensional story of Love and Healing: A novel using fictional story as a medium for teaching about spirituality
She is available for individual session in person, or via phone or video chat and
co-leads healing groups with Dr. Greg Vrona